Tuition Fees :
The tuition fees applicable to Eruopean and Non European students for academic year 2023 :
Early bird :
candidates for the october 2023 Intake - annual preferential rate applicable subject to receipt of the completed registration file and registration fees paid before June 30th. A question about this process ? Please contact : hello@aib.education
Do you plan to pay all your fees before June 30th ?
Annual preferentiel rate are granted to those who pay their tuition fees in full before June 30th. A question about this process ? Please contact : admission@lyonbusinessacademy.fr
*Country affected by EU Tuition fees (Depending on the nationality of the candidate): Autriche, Belgique, Bulgarie, Croatie, Chypre, République tchèque, Danemark, Estonie, Finlande, France, Allemagne, Grèce, Hongrie, Islande, Irlande, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Hollande, Norvège, Pologne, Portugal, Roumanie , Slovaquie, Slovénie, Espagne, Suède, Suisse, Royaume-Uni
The admission offer is made to you subject to • All information you have provided in your application form is truthful and accurate (please note that if you provide false information that leads to a visa rejection there will be no fee refund be made to you).
Refund Policy:
You are also obliged to sign the rules and regulations agreement before applying for visa and arrival in France.
The payment of tuition fees can be facilitated by setting up a payment in two installments. A deposit will be systematically requested when confirming your registration .
If you wish to have a job, during your studies we concentrate our studies over three days so you can have some time to work.
There's no better way to put what you learn in the classroom into practice than in on the job training. All of our degrees can be completed with work based training. Allowing the organisation where you work to help finance your studies through their OPCO.
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.